
Easy Ways To Be More Efficient

Approaching situations in an efficient manner helps us accomplish things faster. Oxford’s dictionary definition of efficient is achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense. It is often a complaint that there are not enough hours in a day to accomplish everything we want to get done, so being efficient needs to be a top priority for high achievers. While having strong time management skills and using a to-do list or calendar can help, there are also some small tricks you can do for optimal efficiency throughout your day.

Utilize Your Morning Better

Taking advantage of your mornings can help you become more efficient. Studies show that we are most productive in the morning. Accomplishing more in the morning also prevents you from procrastinating. It’s the same reason why you should put a load of laundry away as soon as it is done, if you don’t it will sit in the dryer for days. Furthermore, if you put off working on your most important projects in the morning, new tasks will arise during the day that will consume your time and attention.

Overall, getting your morning started off in the right way is a great way to be efficient. Having a solid morning routine can help with this.

Double Up Small Tasks

There are certain things you might be able to do together that save you time. For example, I ice my legs for 10-15 minutes due to past knee surgeries. That is 10-15 minutes where I am stuck laying down and can’t move. However, I can use this time to read a book, write my blog, or journal. That way I am essentially “killing two birds with one stone” and accomplishing everything I need to get done.

Other examples of this can be calling family or friends while you are driving or even brushing your teeth in the shower.

Do Tasks In a Time Sensitive Order

Let’s say you need to prepare dinner and walk your dog. To prepare dinner you need to chop up the vegetables and marinade the steak for 30 minutes. For optimal efficiency you will want to chop up the veggies and marinade the steak first, so during the 30 minutes you need to wait for it to marinade you can walk your dog.

Essentially, doing tasks while waiting for something else, or someone else, to be ready is a great strategy.

Small things like this seem simple, but they can help you save a lot of time and become more efficient.

Do you have any other tips for optimal efficiency? Have you used any of these tips in the past? Let me know in the comments or directly at eric@ericgolban.com. I reply to every email!



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