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Overcome the Fear of Putting Your Work Out There

The fear of putting your work out there is a real problem many creative minds struggle with that prevents them from sharing their amazing work and creations with others. Does any of the following sound familiar: “I want to write a book.” “My dream is to start my own business.” “My passion is to create.”…

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Staying Positive When You Are Diagnosed with COVID-19

I almost skipped my weekly blog post this week. I didn’t want to, but my body felt so weak and my mind was fogged. Yup…unfortunately, I tested positive for and had contracted the COVID-19 virus. In a time when many people are getting the vaccine and a lot of us are hopeful that the worst…

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How to Become the Greatest of All Time

Becoming great at anything has 3 key factors to it: StartingThe road to success begins with a single step. Thoughts in our head are simply not enough. We need to take action and begin if we want to achieve greatness. ConsistencyConsistency is key. Repeated actions eventually become second nature. If you want to be the…

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How Managing Expectations Actually Helps Avoid Anger and Disappointment

Expectations Expectations are tricky. We all have them for any given situation, whether good or bad. For example: Have you ever dreaded going to a party, but it turned out to be pretty fun? That’s because you had low expectations that were easy to meet. On the other hand, let’s say you were expecting to…

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My New and Improved Morning Routine

In the past, I talked about the benefit of having a morning routine. I even tested out the SAVERS morning routine from Hal Elrod’s book, The Miracle Morning. That routine was useful, but there were also some problems that made continuing this routine non-plausible. My main issues with the routine were that: 1) it was too…


Curiosity Didn’t Kill The Cat, The Cat Became A Lion

Be A Lion, Not A Cat I don’t buy for one second that curiosity killed the cat. Curiosity evolved the cat into a lion. A lion is confident, strong, a leader, the king of the jungle. To gain this confidence in yourself and be seen as an effective leader, in other words to become king…


3 Simple Words To Tell Yourself When Nothing Goes Right

Last week, I attended a free webinar hosted by Leo Babauta of zen habits about deep commitment and focus. The webinar itself was extremely valuable with some great takeaways, but throughout the webinar I heard three very simple words that’s resonated with me. The 3 words: “That’s totally fine.” These 3 words probably seemed insignificant…