3 Ways to Make Your Thanksgiving Special
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3 Ways to Make Your Thanksgiving Special

Thanksgiving is one of the most magical times of the year. The weather is changing, the food is amazing, and sports are on TV. I personally love Thanksgiving because it is for many people the only time of year that they are thankful and grateful for everything good in their life. Whether or not you…

The Joy and Freedom of Being in Your 20’s
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The Joy and Freedom of Being in Your 20’s

Being in your 20’s is a thrill in a lot of ways. You have arguably more freedom and flexibility in your choices and decisions than at any other point in your life. Before you were a teenager, under your parental guardian’s authority and limited in what you could do. After your 20’s, you will potentially…

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How to Deal with Immaturity

Immaturity The older I get, the more difficult I find it is to deal with immature people. Close relationships with immature people can hurt your quality of life as they are usually unreliable and self-centered. Furthermore, it can be difficult and exhausting to deal with these types of people for long periods of time, and…


Career Advice: 1 Sure-Fire Way to Figure Out What You’re Good At

Some people go through their entire life never figuring out what they’re really good at. Over 60% of the population are unhappy in their work, which is an alarmingly high number. Work is where we end up spending most of our time and realistically most of our life. To be at a job that makes…


Top 5 Desirable Qualities To Be A Great Friend

Having even just one good friend in this world can make all the difference. Even more, being that good friend is an amazing thing you can do to help others and to feel better about yourself. Becoming the best version of yourself includes positively impacting others and one way to do that is by being…

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Being an Introvert is A Hidden Super Power

Introverts vs. Extroverts Antisocial. Awkward. Shy. Boring. These are some of the ways somebody might describe an introvert. Unfortunately, for some reason in today’s society being an introvert often comes with many more negative connotations than being an extrovert. Being an extrovert is typically celebrated. Extroverts are considered to be exciting, fun, the life of…