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Being an Introvert is A Hidden Super Power

Image of a superhero with "Captain Introvert' written across his chest

Introverts vs. Extroverts

Antisocial. Awkward. Shy. Boring. These are some of the ways somebody might describe an introvert. Unfortunately, for some reason in today’s society being an introvert often comes with many more negative connotations than being an extrovert.

Being an extrovert is typically celebrated. Extroverts are considered to be exciting, fun, the life of the party. They are social and charismatic and have a ton of friends. Meanwhile, we introverts are staying home sippin’ tea at 10 pm in our comfy beds all alone.

Furthermore, if somebody is being quiet, it is fairly common for another person to call them out on this:

“Why are you so quiet?”

“You should talk more.”

Etc. etc.

However, nobody ever tells an extrovert to stop talking, especially when they have nothing of substance to say and are talking just to hear the sound of their own voice! Ok, rant over. This is not meant to be an insult to extroverts, either. Being an extrovert is a great trait to have. I have many times in the past few years, as I have come out of my shell more and more, been told that I am extroverted as well as other adjectives normally associated with being an extrovert. I, however, am not an extrovert. Maybe you can make the argument that I am an ambivert (a mix of both), but I know truly I am introverted. So, what’s the major difference and how can you tell if you are an extrovert or introvert?

Extroverts get their energy by being around others.

Introverts recharge by having their alone time. (This does not mean they don’t enjoy being around others though – they do!)

There is nothing wrong with being an introvert or being an extrovert. Both have their benefits and “superpowers”. However, I want to focus on the upsides of being an introvert since it is usually considered the lesser of the two.

Famous Introverts

Many successful, famous, and celebrated people are actually introverts. Some might be more obvious and expected, but at least a few on this list will probably surprise you!

Typical, expected introverts include billionaires or considered geniuses such as:

  • Bill Gates
  • Warren Buffet
  • Albert Einstein
  • JK Rowling

Introverts you wouldn’t expect to be introverts:

  • Johnny Depp
  • Lady Gaga
  • Kim Kardashian
  • Michael Jordan
  • The list goes on & on…

Advantages of Being Introverted

Believe it or not, many of the characteristics of introverts actually make them more adept and capable in social situations. Qualities of an introvert that help them perform in social situations include:

  • Being a great listener
  • Being empathetic
  • Better at connecting with somebody & understanding how they feel

Great Listener

While somebody might say that introverts are too quiet, I would argue that we are just great listeners. Introverts are listening more than they are talking, to soak up the information that they are getting in order to give thoughtful and sincere responses. Because of this, you can expect introverts to actually give you valuable feedback or advice when opening up to them.


Introverts are on average more empathetic than extroverts which can be another huge benefit in social situations. Somebody who can relate to how the other person is feeling and put themselves in their shoes is more equipped to help that person come up with a solution or to say just the right thing at just the right time.

Better at Connecting with Somebody

While extroverts may have a large variety of friends, introverts typically have a small number of close friendships and people that they associate themselves with. It is more about the quality of the friendship over quantity for them. This allows them to form deeper bonds with the few friends that they do choose to put their time and effort into.

LinkedIn post about being an introvert

What are some other benefits of being an introvert? Do you consider yourself more introverted or extroverted? Let me know in the comments below!



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