How to Overcome Negative Thoughts

How to Overcome Negative Thoughts

We often talk about the power of positivity; how positive thoughts lead to positive actions that lead to a better life. While this is certainly true, it is ignorant to believe that somebody can have positive thoughts 100% of the time. Even the happiest and most optimistic individuals with good mental health will have negative…


Should You Forget About Goal Setting? 1 Expert Says Yes.

I am currently reading the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. One of the interesting subjects he talks about that really caught my attention was the idea of goal setting. James says that you do not need to focus on goals to be successful! Instead, you should be focusing on systems. He posts the excerpt…

Self-Awareness is the First Step in Your Journey

Self-Awareness is the First Step in Your Journey

Self-awareness is an extremely powerful and often undervalued characteristic that is essential to self-growth. Think about it, if we are not aware of our flaws, how are we supposed to fix them to improve and become the best version of ourselves. On the other side of the coin, if we are not aware of our…

3 Ways to Make Your Thanksgiving Special
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3 Ways to Make Your Thanksgiving Special

Thanksgiving is one of the most magical times of the year. The weather is changing, the food is amazing, and sports are on TV. I personally love Thanksgiving because it is for many people the only time of year that they are thankful and grateful for everything good in their life. Whether or not you…