
Is Self-Improvement A Goal or A Never-Ending Journey?

Is Self-Improvement A Goal?

Not really.

I will often say I am on a journey to becoming the best version of myself. However, I would not say that is my goal. I don’t see self-improvement as a goal at all. 2 of the key aspects of a SMART goal are 1) specific goals that are 2) time-bound with a realistic end date. Self-improvement is ever-continuing with no end date in sight. That’s why it is a journey:

Journey- the never-ending path that ultimately defines you, your beliefs, and your outlook on life

The keyword in that definition of Journey is never-ending. This is why I see self-improvement as the ultimate journey. There is no certificate that says you’ve accomplished it. There is no finish line.

“Self-improvement is the ultimate journey because you are battling yourself every day, trying to become a little bit better than the day before”

What Is A Goal?

Straight from dictionary.com:

Goal- the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result

Setting goals for yourself is essential in order to set yourself up for success. As mentioned earlier, the best kind of goals you can set up for yourself are SMART goals:

To have a really great goal set up for yourself it should check off all 5 of the SMART boxes. That means it should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. If you choose self-improvement as your goal, you are lacking in at least 2 of the boxes:

Specific: How will you be improving yourself? What specific actions will you be taking? Why is that significant?

GOOD: I am going to begin meditating 4 days a week for 15 minutes to better clear my mind and deal with stress and anxiety.

BAD: I am going to improve myself and get rid of the stress and anxiety I carry. (This is not specific enough and does not show what actions you will take to reduce your stress and anxiety.)

Time-Bound: What is the end date? You need a realistic timeframe for when this goal will be accomplished such as in six months, one year, etc.

GOOD: I am going to meditate once a week every week for the next six months and then re-evaluate after six months.

BAD: I am going to begin meditating.

Self-Improvement Related Goals

Rather than focusing on self-improvement as your goal, get SMART about the exact areas of improvement you would like to partake in. Make sure these goals check off all the boxes of being Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This will help tremendously when indulging on the journey of self-improvement and personal development. Some great examples of self-improvement related goals that you can expand on and turn into SMART goals:

  1. Exercise
  2. Meditate
  3. Eat Healthier
  4. Follow your passions
  5. Do charitable work
  6. Smile more
  7. [Further] educate yourself on topics of interest
  8. Improve your existing relationships
  9. Form new meaningful relationships
  10. Get organized

Setting goals will help to better yourself as a human being. But remember to enjoy the journey along the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Because that’s the beauty of it:

It’s never-ending. You can continue to improve each and every day!

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